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Anti-Fatigue Mats

Choose from quality anti-fatigue mats from top brands like Fellowes, Kensington and Mobel. We have a variety of styles and sizes to choose from. There's a anti-fatigue mat for every budget, from affordable mats to premium anti-fatigue mats with extra cushion and features.
Fellowes Sit-Stand Rectangular Mat 610 x 915mm FPF8707002
Fellowes Sit-Stand Rectangular Mat 610 x 915mm
$145.99 inc. GST or as low as $129.94
QTY inc. GST
1 $145.99
2-4 $135.78
5+ $129.94
FREE Delivery.
Kensington Anti Fatigue Floor Mat 790 x 480mm SALE
Kensington Anti Fatigue Floor Mat 790 x 480mm
$172.99 inc. GST or as low as $159.16
QTY inc. GST
1 $172.99
2-4 $164.35
5+ $159.16
FREE Delivery.
Fellowes ActiveFusion Sit-Stand Mat 596 x 910mm FPF8707102
Fellowes ActiveFusion Sit-Stand Mat 596 x 910mm
$248.99 inc. GST or as low as $221.61
QTY inc. GST
1 $248.99
2-4 $231.57
5+ $221.61
FREE Delivery.

Anti-Fatigue Mats

If you're looking for an effective way to reduce fatigue and improve comfort while you work, anti-fatigue mats are a great option. There are many different styles and brands of anti-fatigue mats available, so you can find one that fits your specific needs. Here's a quick guide on how to use and choose the right mat for you.

Anti-fatigue mats are designed to provide cushioned support for your feet and legs, which helps reduce fatigue and discomfort. When choosing an anti-fatigue mat, it's important to consider the type of flooring you have in your workspace. For example, if you have hardwood floors, you'll want a mat that has a softer surface to provide cushioning. There are also options available for carpeted floors. In general, thicker mats with more cushioning will be more comfortable to stand on for long periods of time.

Another important consideration is the size of the mat. You'll want to make sure it's large enough to cover the area where you'll be standing or working. Otherwise, you may not get the full benefit of the mat's cushioning. There are mats available in a variety of sizes, so you can find one that's just right for your needs.

When using an anti-fatigue mat, it's important to follow the manufacturer's instructions on how to clean and care for the mat. This will help extend its life and keep it looking its best. Most mats can be vacuumed or wiped down with a damp cloth as needed.

Anti-fatigue mats offer many benefits that can improve your comfort and productivity at work. Choose the right mat for your needs and follow the manufacturer's instructions for best results.

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