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Top 5 Knowledge-bases To Use For Your Business

Knowledge-bases are fundamental to any business that wants to retain and share knowledge with all its employees. Not all information is retained by employees all the time, and whatever is retained is not shared with others in the business. Knowledge-bases are tailor-made to solve these and other problems. A good knowledge-base allows a business to store information about many topics and make this information accessible to all in the business when it is needed.

Our list records five of the best hosted knowledge-bases we tried. We didn't try self-hosted or downloadable knowledge-bases because - its 2018! With a hosted solution, employees are free to access the knowledge from anywhere. Removing any friction from accessing information is key to making full use of a knowledge-base.

5. Slite

Website: slite.com

Slite is easily our favourite for its collaboration features alone. It takes feedback and comments seriously - which shows in its feature-rich and deep commenting features. It comes with a beautiful user interface and an easy to use experience. Your team will easily navigate around Slite to find what they're looking for.


4. Notion

Website: www.notion.so

Notion is a product that is so simple yet is incredibly effective. It comes with downloadable apps or the default choice of using it on a web browser. It claims a huge set of features which are readily available. While others on this list require some hunting to get to more advanced features, with Notion, they are easily accessible.

A selection of integrations with your favourite software is also available.

3. Monday

Website: monday.com

A more recent entrant on our radar, we like Monday. Monday crams a lot into its product. It's beautifully developed with many use cases in mind. It claims some features that others on this list doesn't have. Although we have yet to require those features personally.


While a compelling product if you need project management and some of its other features, as a stand-alone knowledge-base it may appear unnecessary.

2. Nuclino

Website: www.nuclino.com.

Nuclino is a clean and modern knowledge-base. It has a great look and feel and user experience. Knowledge can be shared more visually than other offerings we've looked at in our list.

There are also downloadable apps if you're on the move, although a mobile web browser is almost equally as easy to use.

Unlike some of the other knowledge-bases on this list, Nuclino is very tidy and easily gets out of your way so you can get right to it. On the flip-side however, it misses on some customisations some other mature knowledge-bases have. Most won't find much lacking - although this may be limiting for advanced use cases.

On looks and minimalism alone, Nuclino might top our charts. However, there is one other platform left to cover ...

1. Confluence

Website: www.atlassian.com/software/confluence.

No knowledge-base we tested over the years has come close to the feature-set and the ease of use provided by Confluence. Setup is a breeze, especially for smaller businesses not looking to use every little feature it packs.

Your Confluence journey can start with simple wiki pages and grow into a much advanced wiki with the many integrations Confluence provides.

Confluence team documentation software

Your business will love Confluence even more if you intend on using issue tracking software. Jira, from the same developer, integrates seamlessly with Confluence and leaves even less reason not to pick Confluence from our list here.

You really can't go wrong with any of the above. Tell us which knowledge-base you're using in the comments and why you like it. If you're not using one already, try one or all of the above platforms today. We're sure you'll have an aha moment the next time someone asks a question and its recorded on your knowledge-base!

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